Community Voices presents Carolyn Zelikow and Brad Stephens

Carolyn Zelikow and Brad Stephens at the Goodwin Hall Rm 125
Monday, November 6, 2017 @ 7:00 PM
“Exploring the Dynamics of Community”
On Monday November 6, 2017 @ 7:00 PM, Community Voices presented Carolyn Zelikow, Associate Director of National Programs, The Aspen Institute; Founder of the Hometown Summit, TomTom Founders Festival and Brad Stephens, Director of the CoLab; Lead Planner of CityWorks (X)po in Roanoke, Va.
Carolyn was the Assistant Director and first employee of Tom Tom Founders Festival, a civic venture fostering culture and entrepreneurship in the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, which drew over 18,000 attendees in 2017 and has seeded nearly $3 million to new ventures since its inception in 2012. She graduated from the University of Virginia in 2012 with a B.A. in English Language and Literature.
Brad has spent the past several years helping foster the social change and entrepreneurship community in Roanoke and building innovative community solutions. Along with being the founder of Big Lick SOUP, a co-founder of Noke Codes and helping put on CityWorks (X)po, he is always looking for new community development projects that can help improve the places we call home. Brad earned M.S. in Forestry at Virginia Tech with a focus on community collaborations in sustainable development.
Carolyn and Brad explored the dynamics of civic and business entrepreneurship and community change processes. For accessing the recordings of this event please click here.