Anthony Flaccavento
Community Voices welcomed Anthony Flaccavento, sustainable community pioneer, organic farmer, and food system innovator. Anthony Flaccavento is an organic farmer, innovator and sustainable development pioneer from Abingdon, Virginia. He was the featured Community Voices speaker on Monday, October 24, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Alexander Black House, 205 Draper Rd., Blacksburg, Virginia.
In his presentation, “Beyond the Margins: Six Transitions to Building a Healthy Economy from the Bottom Up,” he shared his research on the bottom-up economy, and described six essential transitions he believes our nation must establish to build a healthier, more just and sustainable economy and food system for its citizens.
A community development practitioner, Flaccavento helped found the Abingdon Farmers Market and the Appalachian Harvest Food Hub. He has worked with community leaders in more than a dozen states, in addition to Canada and Australia, to build stronger, more sustainable economies.
Following the talk, he sold and signed copies of his recently-released book, Building a Healthy Economy From the Bottom Up (University of Kentucky Press, 2016).
Anthony Flaccavento participated in an informal luncheon roundtable discussion on October 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Room C of the Virginia Tech Graduate Life Center, 155 Otey Street.
The Community Voices fall 2016 series was sponsored by School of Performing Arts; Department of Landscape Architecture; Virginia Tech Graduate School; School of Public and International Affairs; Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education; Office of Associate Vice President of Engagement; College of Architecture and Urban Studies; Department of Political Science; and the Institute of Policy and Governance.